One Day spent with Sergio Marchionne Delivers Lifetime of Inspiration

Sergio Marchionne, chairman and CEO of the Chrysler Group and CEO of Fiat S.P.A.

I remember my time spent with Sergio for the Fast Company story, ‘We’re Detroit Kids,’ well, as being a lot like Sergio. Fast-paced. High Energy. Constant Movement. I also remember the trio of Detroit-based, automobile industry reporters staying focused on labor issues, while I spoke to Marchionne in Columbus, Ohio about the workplace culture impact of Chrysler’s famous Super Bowl ads ‘Imported from Detroit’ and ‘Halftime in America.’

Cultivating a Culture of Innovation – 4 Action Steps From Design Panelists Robyn Novak and Jessica Hemmer That’ll Help You Ignite Creativity

‘Cultivating a Culture of Innovation’ offers the chance to generate awareness and publicity around Robyn Novak and Jessica Hemmer, two, Cincinnati-based designers working on a global scale. It’s also a moment to customize and test my content marketing and customer traction services.