Content Marketing Use Case

Steve Ramos Media Content Marketing Products and Services

Background & Preconditions:

Customers believe they’re ready for high-value content marketing and identify where they fail to connect with customers.  

Customers & Leads:

Steve Ramos Media content marketing customers are artists, chief executive officers, chief marketing officers, entrepreneurs, and nonprofit directors.

Needs & Problems:

Artists, chief executive officers, chief marketing officers, entrepreneurs, and nonprofit directors have data, ideas, and customer stories to support their businesses and organizations. They need communications strategy, content experience, and media relations to produce high-quality content compelling to customers, partners, and peers.


SR Media customers aim to scale their businesses and organizations via high-quality content marketing. Our customers want to increase sales of their memberships, products, and services. They see high-quality content as marketing assets differentiating themselves and their businesses from competitors. High-quality content also improves the customer experience from marketing to sales and service.

Products & Solutions:

Brand Content Creation Package

Gain content marketing tools to attract customers and grow your brand.

Brand Communications Guide

Gain the communications asset to scale your business.

Brand Strategy Kit

Grow your brand. Craft your Voice, Value, and Purpose. Attract more customers and advocates to your business.

Storybuilding Guide for Brands

Craft marketing content as unique as your story. Gain the marketing tools to grow your brand.


Brand and Communications Strategies.

Design thinking workshops and interviews.

Media Relations Campaigns

Media Monitoring


Once a chief marketing officer collaborates with SR Media on Brand assets supporting their business, they quickly become a repeat client. Chief marketing officers believe they’re ready for high-quality content when they identify marketing assets that fail to connect with customers.  Steve Ramos Media collaborates with qualified leads on design thinking workshops to co-discover high-value content for connecting with customers.

Conclusions & Deliverables:



Brand Voice

Brand Value

Brand Positioning

Brand Messaging

Brand Expression

Engagement Strategy

Media Database

Media Relations Kit

Media Relations Tips

Social Marketing

Social Media

FAQ Pages

Get-in-Touch Pages

About Pages




Press Releases



Tip Sheets


 Additional Benefits:

Stronger Customer Relationships

Comprehensive Content Strategy

Increased Productivity:

Social Listening

Improved Quality:

Brand Management

High-quality Voice & Tone

Exceptional Interviews

Normal Flow:

Steve Ramos Media content marketing customers participate in a multi-month curriculum involving design sprints, interviews, and phases of work. Our collaborations result in high-quality content that connects with customers.

Alternative Flow:

Steve Ramos Media content marketing customers may break the work into specific deliverables. The content creation process supports customers who need to pause the collaboration between deliverables.